Dr. David Hughes outlines information regarding value-added products in Tennessee, grant opportunities, and state laws.
What is Value-Added?
Tools and Equipment Needs
Finis Stribling presents some necessary tools and equipment choices for operation a small farm.
Risk Considerations for Beginning Farmers
Mitchell Mote’s presentation “There Are a Lot of Ways to Mess Up” discusses the risk considerations for new and beginning farmers.
Record Keeping for Small Farms
This explains some record keeping tips for smaller farming operations.
Potential Enterprises for Beginning Farms
Finis Stribling, Tennessee State University: Cooperative Extension Program, details some potential enterprises and opportunities for new and beginning farmers.
Land Use Restrictions
This details the possible land use restrictions that new and beginning farmers could encounter as they start their farm.
Growing Safe Food
Financial Resources
These are a listing of financial resources available to new and beginning farmer.
Evaluation of Land Potential
Basic Livestock Needs
Farm Management Specialist. Kevin Ferguson’s presentation from the beginning farmer workshops. This details basic needs for livestock production.